By Guest on Friday, 21 February 2025
Posted in EasySocial
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This is an error with the stackideas toolbar. There is a fix that has been reported over at

Go to Site Modules and find (Stackideas Toolbar) Module. Click to open, Click the EasySocial tab, and scroll down to Display Search - Set this to NO and this will fix the 1242 error until Stackideas renders a fix.
OK. worked through the issue and it seems to be a Joomla issue caused by either a Joomla bug (supposedly resolved in PR's 43151 / 42799) or as a result of a partially failed update which is then run again.

The solution is fairly straightforwards and simply requires reindexing the smart search index.

In the admin panel go to

Components > Smart Search > Index

Then select

Maintenance > Clear index

Followed by


This forces the system to delete the smart search index (taxonomy table) and recreate it.

Please note: As with any fix / change. Please make sure you backup your site before performing this fix :thumb
2 weeks ago
0 Votes
Appears that this is an older issue that has now reoccurred as part of recent Joomla 4.4.11 update.

Within the post over on the forums linked to above it states that the issue is related to duplicate entries in the ' finder_taxonomy table'. The solution posted was to remove the duplicate entries and the error is resolved.

However looking at this table on one of my sites, there is only one entry, so this does not appear to be the issue in this case.

I will take a bit of a deeper dig into this later. However my initial thoughts are that if duplicate results are the issue, then the SQL is malformed and should implement 'LIMIT' or 'DISTINCT' clauses.
3 weeks ago
0 Votes
Some further information to help you...

You can run an SQL query directly on the table to test if you have duplicate values...

SELECT `title`, COUNT(`title`) FROM `jos_finder_taxonomy` GROUP BY `title` HAVING COUNT( `title`) >1;

You can also replace the column name with any other. I tested 'path' and 'title'. Substitute all instances before running the query. The results will be shown in a table.

To fix the issue, you can also use the Joomla CLI interface to reindex the table...

In a SSH terminal navigate to the /cli/ directory of your Joomla installation, then run the following command

php joomla.php finder:index
2 weeks ago
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